We at NeoGenomics are so excited to be a part of the 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition. We are the market leader in Oncology Diagnostics for over 20 years. With over 1.7 million cancer-related tests per year, and an extensive range of over 500 clinical cancer tests available, we are your trusted partner in patient care. We will be showcasing our cutting-edge heme based solutions including: Neo Comprehensive™ - Heme Cancers, Neo Comprehensive™ - Myeloid Disorders and COMPASS® Hematopathology Solutions
Our team of scientists will also be presenting 2 posters on their ground breaking research during the conference that you will not want to miss:
RNA Fusions and Their Association with DNA Alterations in Myeloid Neoplasia Patients Identified by a Single Tube Multimodal Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Test
Presented by: Fernando Lopez Diaz and Michal Krawczyk
Session Date: December 9
Session Time: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Tumor-Infiltrating Normal B Lymphocytes Have Remarkable Prognostic Effects and Are Crucial for Antitumor Immune Responses in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Oral Presentation by: Ken Young, MD
Session Date: December 10
Session Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
NeoGenomics - Serving Patients. Saving Lives.™